Liability Waiver
Please review our liability waiver
For your safety, Kids Kupboard requires that all volunteers act in accordance with the following policies.
Absences: We understand that emergencies happen and conflicts arise that may prevent you from fulfilling your shift. As soon as you expect to be absent from a scheduled event, please cancel your registration from your confirmation or reminder email, or by logging into your CERVIS account. You may also notify the Volunteer Coordinator at coordinator@kidskupboard.org. Please do this as far in advance as possible so we can anticipate which volunteers are coming and plan accordingly. We count on volunteers to make it possible for us to feed thousands of hungry Alaskans.
After one “no-show,” volunteers will be emailed a reminder to cancel their registration before the event.
After two “no-shows,” volunteers will be emailed another reminder to cancel their registration before the event. Any future scheduled reservations will be cancelled. Volunteers are welcome to sign up again at a time that is more convenient for them. If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please connect with the Volunteer Coordinator at coordinator@kidskupboard.org.
Age: Volunteers under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult. The minimum age for volunteers is 6. Some volunteer activities have age restrictions and will be clearly defined when signing up for the shift.
Clothing: No open-toed shoes, half shirts or reveling clothing will be allowed for any volunteer activity. Closed-toe, closed-heel shoes are always required for any volunteer activity outside. Volunteers may be asked to end their assignment if not following the dress code.
Volunteers who work in food preparation will be required to secure long hair.
Any clothing or hats that have words, terms, or pictures that may be offensive to others is unacceptable. As a non-profit organization, Kids Kupboard must protect its tax-exempt status;
Comments, Concerns, and Complaints: We encourage you to reflect on and evaluate your experience and give us feedback. If you have ideas, suggestions, or complaints, please fill out a form and place in the suggestions box onsite or complete the form that is emailed to you after you complete your shift. You may also contact the Volunteer Coordinator directly.
Confidentiality: Kids Kupboard clients and donors have the right to expect that their information be kept private. No identifying information about clients (name, address, family circumstances, need) may be revealed to anyone outside Kids Kupboard unless permission is given in writing. It is possible for others, even without knowledge of the name of the client or donor, to recognize his or her identity from details disclosed outside of Kids Kupboard, so these details should not be shared without express permission. Any questions regarding confidentiality should be addressed to the Volunteer Coordinator.
Equal Opportunity: Kids Kupboard trains volunteers based on personal competence without regard for race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, veteran status, national origin, age, or disability, as well as other classifications protected by applicable state or local laws. Our equal opportunity philosophy applies to all aspects of volunteering at Kids Kupboard, including recruiting and training.
Food Donations: No volunteer is permitted to remove donated food/non-food items from the facility unless given permission.
Harassment: Harassment is taken very seriously by Kids Kupboard. If you experience or detect any instances of harassment, (sexual, verbal, physical, or otherwise), please report it immediately to your assigned volunteer supervisor. An incident report will be filed. If you are the alleged perpetrator of such behavior, you may be asked to leave and an investigation into the grievance will be conducted. Insubordination, gross misconduct, violence, threats of violence, or any hostile uncooperative behavior, including abusive language, bullying, or inability to cooperate are grounds for dismissal.
Inclement Weather: If you are unable to attend a volunteer event due to inclement weather (including ice, snow, or sleet), please cancel your registration or notify the Volunteer Coordinator. We will notify you by phone and/or email when Kids Kupboard is closed due to inclement weather. Also check our social media and website to see if closings have been announced.
Mechanical Equipment: Operating any mechanical equipment at Kids Kupboard will require specialized training on operation and safety. This can include the meat slicer, or operating heavy machinery.
Media at Kids Kupboard Facility:
Photography and videography of the Kids Kupboard facility permitted, However, if you plan to post any photos or videos on social media platforms please refer to our Brand Guidelines beforehand. Contact Volunteer Coordinator to receive a copy.
Safety: FBA expects its volunteers to conduct themselves in a safe manner. Please use good judgment and common sense in matters of safety. Please always be mindful of your surroundings. Be alert, watching and listening for forklifts, pallet jacks, cars, trucks, and other equipment. Climbing on equipment and running are not allowed. Immediately report any injuries and/or unsafe conditions and practices to Kids Kupboard staff.
Tobacco Use, Alcohol, Drugs, and Firearms: Your safety and the safety of those around you depends on your ability to interpret and respond to your surroundings. Tobacco or vaping use is not permitted anywhere inside the facilities. The possession, use, or sale of alcohol or illegal drugs on the premises is strictly prohibited. Kids Kupboard will end its relationship with any volunteer who reports to volunteer under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or who uses any such substance during volunteer hours. Firearms on the premises must be left in a locked vehicle, and any volunteer who violates this restriction will have his/her relationship with Kids Kupboard terminated immediately. Since we are located in a remote wilderness area, some activities will require Kids Kuboard Staff or designated trained individuals to carry a firearm for protection from wild animals when touring the property.
Valuable Possessions: Leave all valuables at home or lock them in your car. Kids Kupboard is NOT responsible for lost or stolen items.
Rights of Kids Kupboard Volunteers
You have the right:
To know as much about the organization as possible. Kids Kupboard has many policies and partners, so take this opportunity to learn more about how we are working together to end childhood hunger in Alaska. If you have a question - about anything - just ask!
To be given meaningful work to do. Every volunteer role at Kids Kupboard helps to accomplish our mission. If you have questions about how your assignment is helping to eliminate hunger, please talk to your assigned supervisor. If you would like to work on a different project or in a different capacity, let us know. There are always many daily tasks to be accomplished.
Please share your concerns and suggestions to make our collective activities more efficient.
To understand exactly how to do your assigned tasks safely and correctly. You should receive a general orientation to Kids Kupboard and guidance and direction for each specific project you perform. If you are not sure what to do, please ask for clarification or further instructions.
We are all here for the same reason: to end childhood hunger in Alaska. You are an essential part of these efforts, and we hope you will feel valued, respected, and appreciated for all you If you encounter an uncomfortable situation, you are always free to leave, but please let us know what caused your discomfort so that we can address any problems or shortcomings.
Dismissal of a Volunteer and Reasons for Dismissal
Volunteers are expected to follow rules of conduct that will protect the interest and safety of all volunteers, staff, and clients at Kids Kupboard. The Volunteer Coordinator shall determine if a volunteer is not following these policies or conducting themselves appropriately. No volunteer will be terminated until the volunteer has had an opportunity to discuss the reasons for possible dismissal with their supervisors.
The following are only some examples of inappropriate conduct which could lead to immediate dismissal:
Theft or inappropriate removal or possession of Kids Kupboard property or that of any organization volunteer, staff, agent, or
Volunteering under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs and/or illegal or unauthorized possession, distribution, sale, transfer, or use of alcohol or illegal drugs in the volunteer
Creating a disturbance on Kids Kupboard premises, at sponsored activities or in areas which could jeopardize the safety of
Lack of cooperation, or other disrespectful
Violation of Kids Kupboard federal, state, or local safety and health
Inappropriate use of telephones, computer equipment or systems, mail system, e-mail system, facsimile machines, or other Kids Kupboard-owned equipment.
Unauthorized disclosure of Kids Kupboard proprietary or confidential
Unsatisfactory performance
Hold Harmless Agreement
By signing this hold harmless agreement, volunteers agree not to hold Kids Kupboard liable for any injuries or damages that may occur during their participation in volunteer activities. Volunteers acknowledge that they are participating voluntarily and assume all risks associated with their involvement."